
Walton launches new models of smart ACs

Walton launches new models of smart ACs. It’s a piece of positive news for all Walton customers Bangladeshi multinational brand Walton has released new models of smart air conditioners in the local market. The Crystalline series’ ACs weighing 1.5 and 2 tons are available in the market, raising the total number of Walton smart ACs to seven. Customers will get Walton ACs at affordable prices ranging from 36,900 to 77,400 BDT.

Tanvir Rahman, Chief Executive Officer of Walton AC, said: Walton is the first Bangladeshi company that has introduced IOT-based smart ACs which are controllable using mobile phones. Users can easily know various information about Walton smart ACs including the monthly electricity consumption, low or high voltage, overload on compressor, etc, said a press release.

Walton’s Deputy Operative Director Mofizur Rahman said Walton’s smart ACs will run on both the android and IOS operating systems. There are multiple facilities to control the ACs with the same app. Customers can also save statistical data with auto-updates.

Sandip Biswas, Head of Walton AC R&D department, said: Ionizer technology in Walton ACs keeps the room dirt and bacteria-free along with cooling. The Inverter ACs of Walton save up to 60 percent electricity. The Turbomood of the compressor of Inverter ACs cools the room reducing its temperature quickly. The world’s recognized positive news of environmental-friendly HFC free R410A refrigerant is used on Walton ACs.

Every air conditioner of Walton is released in the market after obtaining quality control certification from international standard testing lab NUSDAT-UTS, he added.

Customers of Walton brand air-conditioners have had the chance of getting a 12-year equivalent electricity bill free through registering their purchased product under the Digital Campaign Season 5.


Read more news: TechnologyBusiness

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